Martinovic, born on 27.05.1977 in Cetinje in a family that during
generations shared its interest and love for dogs and was devoted to
breeding. The person to “blame” for my devotion to cinology is my
father and since my early age I have been spending time with
different breeds. My father was my life couch and he never fall
short of transfering his knowledge and experience
about cinology. My first competitions started in the early
childhood with different breeds, among which were Dobermanns,
Rottweilers, Great Danes, the breeds with which I have achieved
distinguished results and in 1998 I bought my first dog, Cane Corso,
after which I started to breed them and was taking part in
competitions across the Europe and the World. For almost 20 years I
have been devoted to Cane Corso breeding and many greatest rewards
and achievements came from this experience from both national and
international, speciality shows, all the way to the greatest and
most prestiged cinology manifestations around the world. In 2012 I
registered my Kennel, named "Bayizza" FCI MNE 10/12, and in 2014 I
become an International FCI Judge for II FCI Group and in 2016 for
IX FCI Group.
was a judge at National and International shows in Montenegro and
For the last four years I have been breeding
the Boston Terriers and have also visited the most prestiged
manifestations and for a relatively short time many achievements
came on the way.
My entire
knowledge and experiance came not only from my father but from a
thorought research made from different litterature and from what I
have learned from the world-wide acknowledged cinology experts
to whom I am very grateful and shall stay devoted to
continued support and transfer of
knowledge to present and future generations involved. I am fluent in
English and basic Italian.